
又名:重返天堂之城(港/台) / Nakorn-Sawan


主演:Prapamonton EIAMCHAN Phumipat THAVORNSIRI Jarunun Jarunun PHANTACHAT 

导演:Puangsoi Aksornsawang / 





Plot Summary:"You once told me that death will be important if we've been in love ..." From a short story, "Nakorn-Sawan" was cultivated to a length film that captures the memory, death, and love of Aey, 27 year old woman traveling to return home from Germany to face the departure of her mother, the memory between Aey and her father, and youth's melancholy with old friends at "Pak Nam Pho", a place that people believe for the main route to take the Mars Ashes to A flowing stream Heaven, connecting the film world of Aey and the documentary world of the director who recorded the story of the mother before the day of separation. Nakorn-Sawan may be the place where there lingers the faces of memories, or just a vision of dreams we all only imagine.
親人過世,離家多年的歐怡返回泰國北欖坡奔喪。逝者不復在,從心底發酵的悲傷逐漸感染在世親人。歐怡與家人登上小船為死者骨灰送行,遙祭追憶。穿透故事的彼岸,導演返家的紀錄影像交錯其中,虛構作品與真實記錄間彼此呼應,忘卻不了的是同一份思念。   泰國新銳導演首部長片作品,以詩意影像穿透虛實界線,將劇情、家庭紀錄片與靜態攝影層層交疊,記憶影響創作,創作反映現實,讓電影在其中蔓生互映。不僅透過影像辯證愛、悲傷與死亡,也在紛飛的片段絮語中,探索家人間已然遺忘的過去。
