Plot Summary:In a world where people's hearts are on the outside and exhibit the qualities of a pet, Mary loses her lovable Skip only to rediscover herself and learn what it truly means to 'follow your heart.'
In a world where people's hearts are on the outside and exhibit the qualities of a pet, Mary loses her lovable Skip only to rediscover herself and learn what it truly means to 'follow your heart.' 这部片长 6'45'' 的动画短片,名为 Follow Your Heart。 “追随内心”的道理或许老套,然而美好的事物和动人的故事,我们终究还是会选择相信,并且应该选择相信。 值得一提的是,片中的小狗其实是心的衍化表现。甜蜜、失望、愤怒、受伤……这些情绪感受都可以直观地通过小狗看出来,甚至小狗丢了,也是在告诉观众:故事女主迷失了自己,或者说迷失了方向。