
又名:Happy Go Lucky / Fuxing dao



导演:叶春晖 / 





Plot Summary:"Happy Go Lucky" is a family comedy with the underlying theme: a little wager adds to the pleasure of life, but raising the stakes ultimately leads to destruction. A hardcore gambler from young, Hock Lee Poh is at the same time, an ardent believer of Feng Shui. Always down on his luck, he continues to indulge in gambling all the time. His eldest daughter Donna though petty and calculative, spends all her time and money on lavish nightlife and hunky social escorts - till she loses everything in the end. Fu Xin, Poh's illegitimate second daughter is born at an extremely inauspicious hour and thus labeled as the "jinx" of the family. Despite the nasty label on her, Fu Xin actually is a surreptitious 'Lucky Star' who always manages to avert precarious situations; turning unfavourable conditions into favourable ones, having the Midas touch in everything she does. The straight-forward, unassuming and childlike Fu Xin sacrifices a lot for the family. And in a twist of fate and luck, Fu Xin ...
《福星到》突显的是“小赌怡情、大赌倾家荡产”的主旨。   阿二范文芳与歌台天后刘玲玲饰演的是“脚底按摩师”,一对好朋友,文芳是刘谦益的女儿,与莫小玲是同父异母的姐妹,阿二因“亥时出生”被指“带衰”家人,却是个心地善良、率直,孝顺,凡事都能逢凶化吉的福星,形象近乎完美!   文芳在《福星到》中与歌台天后刘玲玲相知相惜,据悉,这是阿二与玲玲首次携手,以“草根小民”姿态登场,两人将在片中飙戏。   刘谦益饰演的是脚底按摩中心老板,也是一名烂赌鬼,片中饰演他“损友”的是陈建彬,经常带他泡夜场猎豔去,莺莺燕燕风流快活,据悉,建彬在《福星到》中的角色将具备前所未有的发挥空间。   《福星到》琅琅上口的主题曲由刘玲玲和参与演出的妹妹刘心玲演唱,出自新加坡音乐人林倛玉和导演叶春晖之创作。
