Plot Summary:Jennifer Weller, though satisfied with her marriage to Eddie, finds her role as a suburban housewife oppressive and begins to accompany Marian Harris, a restless neighbour, on jaunts into the city. At first, Marian is the more adventurous of the two, quickly accommodating two young traveling salesmen as they meet at the Deep Six Bar, but Jennifer has second thoughts and she leaves the men's motel room. Returning to the bar, she meets Seth Leonard, the guitar-playing leader of a free-living artists' commune.Hoping that the suburban adventurers will help the group out of financial difficulty, Seth and his girlfriend Alexis arrange an erotic dance session. Marian is immediately drawn into the excitement; Jennifer, though repelled, is haunted by the music. Late one night, she slips from Eddie's bed and goes to make love with Seth, as Alexis looks on. Thereafter, Jennifer and Marian participate actively in the life of the art colony, until Alexis' mounting jealousy spurs her to demand ...