
又名:A Journey of 35


主演:林宏明 莊雅竹 張明豪 張瑜珊 賴茹君 

导演:羅儀修 / 





Plot Summary:Five Taiwanese teenagers, faced with sweeping and untested educational reforms in 1996, revealed their dreams in the CommonWealth Magazine documentary "A Generation Freed." Their lives were then revisited in 2006 in the film "A Generation Freed - 10 Years Later" to see how the more liberal education system had affected them. Now, another decade later, we find out in "A Journey of 35" if indeed they were able to chase their dreams and if their horizons have grown brighter with adulthood or become more cynical. When they first faced the camera, the five 15-year-olds expressed their dreams to be a reporter, doctor, painter, entertainer and baseball player. Though somewhat vague and undefined, those dreams served as intangible sparks that gave their lives meaning. Over the 20 years their lives are documented, the five stories slowly unfurl before our eyes like precious scrolls. Much like watching ourselves grow, one discovers when going back suddenly to the age of fifteen that life was ...
這是一部跨越二十年、五個少年真實的成長故事。1996年,台灣教改的開端,《天下雜誌》製作《海闊天空的一代》,捕捉了五位十五歲少年夢想的起點。2006年推出《教改十年後》,真真切切看到教育對他們的影響。如今,二十年時光流轉,他們夢想實現了嗎?他們的天空是否真正「海闊」? 當年對著鏡頭青澀地訴說,想當記者、醫生、畫家、藝人、棒球國手;少年時那些看似懞懂的夢想,猶如無形的養分,滋潤著他們的人生。跨越二十年的長期記錄,每十年一次的回訪,五個人生故事如同捲軸一般,在眼前慢慢展開。就像看著你我經歷過的成長,驀然回首十五歲的起初,才發現,原來人生充滿選擇,跨出的每一步都是能量。五個真實的故事,與您一同重新看見,那心中的「自己」。
