

主演:佩尔·克里斯蒂安·埃勒夫森 斯文·诺丁 Marian Saastad Ottesen Marit Pia Jacobsen Per Christensen 

导演:彼特·纳斯 / 





Plot Summary:Three years have passed since Elling moved to town together with Kjell Bjarne, his roommate from the institution at Brøynes. Elling now lives on his own in the apartment. Kjell Bjarne has moved up one floor, to Reidun and her little daughter Mojo. Elling feels like an outsider, and he isolates himself more and more. He observes humankind with astonishment, and wonders at how everyone else seems to be adjusting so well. Finally, Kjell Bjarne takes care of the situation. Elling protests, but he is still pretty happy as he is transformed into a new man, clean, fully rested and well dressed. Deep inside, he also knows what's lacking, and one evening he finally finds the woman he knows is able to fill the void in his life. He's willing to do anything to win her trust and conquer her love. But when he is invited home to his new girlfriend for dinner, a few objections appear to Elling, and the story doesn't end quite the way he had thought it would.
自从Elling和他在Brøynes康复院的室友Kjell Bjarne一同搬进城里,已经3年过去了。Elling现在在公寓里独自生活。Kjell Bjarne已经搬到楼上一层,和Reidun及她的小女儿Mojo在一起。Elling感觉自己就象是一个外人,并越来越孤立自我。他观察人们,对其他人如何都适应的如此之好感到惊奇和纳闷。最终,Kjell Bjarne照管这一切。Elling虽然反对,但仍然相当高兴,因为他已经洗心革面,成了整洁,精神饱满和穿着得体的新人。不过在内心深处,他也知道自己所缺失的,并在一天晚上最终发现了他认为能够填补生命中空缺的女人,并愿意做任何事情去赢得她的信任和征服她的爱情。但是当他被邀请与女友回屋共进晚餐时,一些针对Elling的异议出现了,故事并不象他想象的方式结束。
