Plot Summary:The film is based on the acclaimed book, Dakkuan da Munda, an autobiography of the famous writer and journalist Mintu Gurusariya. Mintu became a drug addict when he was a young Kabbadi player. Exposure to drugs also introduced him to the crime market. But today, he is an inspiration for the youth and their families as he managed to come out of his shell and break his ties with drugs and crime.
这部电影以著名作家兼记者Mintu Gurusariya的自传Dakkuan da Munda为基础。当他是一名年轻的卡巴迪球员时,Mintu成为吸毒成瘾者。接触毒品也将他引入犯罪市场。但今天,他成了年轻人及其家人的灵感,因为他设法摆脱了他的束缚,打破了他与毒品和犯罪的关系。