月光Erótica: Luz de Luna(2008)


主演:布鲁诺·比齐尔 Sharon Zundel 亚丽杭德拉·安布罗西 Gloria Navarro 

导演:Enrique Arroyo / Carlos Bolado / Carlos González Sariñana / Fernando Sariñana / 





Plot Summary:Three stories, united by characters in common, that open the doors to sexual freedom: Romance is seen in three different stages of life, at 20, 30 and 40, in three intertwined stories. A married couple, Eduardo and Beatriz in search of new adventures, invite Adriana, a nurse to join them for a threesome. Carmen, a nurse falls in love with the wrong man Salvador, an old doctor friend. He takes some photographs of hers, to open up and achieve the search for a desired orgasm; and Rodrigo, a teenage boy in love with Camila, a teenage oversexed girl lives a night of unexpected passion, without having it planned, but not only with the girl he wants also her friend, Ale in a threesome.
