朝圣Não Pare na Pista: A Melhor História de Paulo Coelho(2014)

又名:保罗 科埃略


主演:Júlio Andrade Ravel Andrade Fabiana Guglielmetti 

导演:Daniel Augusto / 





Plot Summary:Having sold over 165 million copies of 30 books, Paulo Coelho is one of the best-selling authors of all time. His works have been translated into 80 languages and published in more than 150 countries around the world. THE PILGRIM tells the amazing and true journey of Paulo Coelho's life that turned him into a writer of tales millions of people all over the world enjoy. The main source of inspiration for Paulo Coelho's work is his own life. The author of 'The Pilgrimage' and 'The Alchemist' is, no doubt, a celebrity, but only few know that the story of his life is even better than fiction. Paulo flirted with death, escaped from madness, experimented with drugs, overcame torture, suffered and smiled for love, made Rock and Roll History in Brazil, but never gave up on his biggest dream: to triumph as a writer.
60年代,一个自杀未遂的男孩被送进了里约热内卢的一家精神病院。自那时起,死亡就常伴于这位未来的史上最畅销作家之一:保罗·柯艾略的身边。 男孩不听家人和医生的劝告,坚持要走自己的生活道路。他拥抱自由,过着热情洋溢的生活。保罗遇到了他的音乐合作伙伴劳尔·赛沙斯,并一头栽进了性放纵、毒品和摇滚乐的世界中。他与魔鬼达成了一个约定,通过音乐享受名利,但他仍不满足……生活中似乎缺少了什么东西。 80年代初,40岁的保罗割断了与日常生活的一切联系,开始了一场走向圣地亚哥-德孔波斯特拉的朝圣之旅,以实现他的梦想:寻找一个故事,成为知名作家。 然而,成功并不是保罗的终极目标。66岁时,这个国际著名作家意识到死亡才是他最好的朋友。在他写自传时,唯有死亡常伴他左右,教导他享受生活的分分秒秒,克服生命中的重重障碍。
