土电话Tin String(2019)


主演:Shwe Eain Si Phyoe Ngwe Soe Eaindra Kyaw Zin Ye Naung Aung Ye Htwe 

导演:Arkar / 





Plot Summary:Ye Thit Min an artist who work filming industry as a photographer and also art director. A scrip-writer who is working with Ye Thit Min, her name is Thae Chit Yar. Sai Naung is a photographer who is working with Ye Thit Min. A friend of Sai Naung, he is Editor Htoo Lwin. They begin the shooting with Model Nan Eain Shin at one of the country side where away from capital of city, Yangon. When these guys stay at the great home with gorgeous decoration, Thae Chit Yar, does she go to her grandma house? A thing that Ye Thit Min found from this house . Let's see how will they survive from horrible moment. - ?
Ye Thit Min是一位艺术家,从事摄影行业,同时也是艺术总监。一个和Ye Thit Min一起工作的编剧,她的名字叫Thae Chit Yar。 Sai Naung是一名摄影师。赛农的朋友 Htoo Lwin是一位编辑。   他们在离仰光城市中心很远的一个乡村对模特Nan Eain Shin进行拍摄。当这些人住在装饰华丽的大房子里时,Thae Chit Yar为什么要去她奶奶家?Ye Thit Min在这所房子里也有了新的发现。
