不平凡的平凡Reach For The Skies(2018)

又名:天天有希望 / Hope is Here

主演:洪凌 翁兴昂 陈澍承 朱厚任 Joel Choo 蔡琦慧 符芳榕 何盈莹 洪慧芳 郭蕙雯 Sherraine Low 钟琴 王胜宇 潘玲玲 薛素珊 沈琳宸 徐绮 陈泰铭 郑惠玉 王玉清 黄炯耀 王禄江 陈一熙 姚文龙 张振寰 孙于惠 

导演:林美娜 / 邱健廷 / 林明哲 / 陈金祥 / 符之柄 / 胡凉财 / 方傢福 / 高淑怡 / 





Plot Summary:The story centres round the inhabitants of small neighbourhood who work in an enrichment school and a mini-mart. From ex-criminal to middle-aged workers who lost their jobs to technology, and elderlies with a seemingly disillusioned life, can there still be hopes and dreams for these everyday folks who live at the edge of society? A light-hearted drama bursting with colourful characters, watch how Zhong Ling (Ling Ling Pan) the founder of Hope Enrichment school, and Hong Da Cai (Kym Ng) the boss of 'Tian Tian Lai' mini-mart, deal with every day situation and at the same time manage their own love life.
这个故事围绕着居住在邻里社区的小人物,在培训中心和迷你市场工作。这一群来自社会基层的小人物,受的教育不高,有的坐过牢,有的中年转业或老年彷徨病痛,生活中看似毫无希望。期许通过剧中的故事,带出只要不放弃,人生就有希望的信息。 这是一部轻松又温馨的戏剧,人物形形色色,可以展示出不同阶层的新加坡人。剧中人物包括,Hope培训中心老板钟灵(潘玲玲)以及“天天来” 迷你市场的老板娘洪大彩(鐘琴),看看她们是如何平衡事业以及复杂的感情生活@HD一条街
