杀人记忆前科おんな 殺し節(1973)

又名:Criminal Woman: Killing Melody / 有前科的女人:杀戮之时


主演:池玲子 片山由美子 风间千代子 

导演:三堀篤 / 





Plot Summary:Reiko Ike stars as the daughter of a man who has been pushed into drug dealing by the local Yakuza mob. Having outlived his usefulness to the gang he is murdered and Reiko is gang raped, leading her to attempt a knife attack on the Yakuza boss (Ryoji Hayama) at a swank nightclub. Failing to kill him she ends up in prison, where she befriends a crew of other malcontents (including Yumiko Katayama and Chiyoko Kazama) and meets the Yakuza boss's girlfriend (Miki Sugimoto). Upon release Reiko reassembles her mob and launches a Machiavellian scheme to engineer a gang war between Hayama's Oba Industries and the formerly dominant Hamayasu Clan. The rival gangs begin killing each other off and Reiko works her way closer to her ultimate vengeance.
毒品贩子羽鸟被黑帮组织大场兴业杀害,羽鸟的女儿真纪(池玲子 饰)发誓为父报仇,持刀行刺该组织首领大场喜一(叶山良二 饰)。然刺杀失败,真纪被捕入狱。   狱中,真纪结识了因各种原因入狱的女子,但她桀骜不驯的态度惹恼了女博徒谷政代(杉本美树 饰),两人相约进行一场惨烈对决,并最终成为好友。   多年后真纪与好友们相继出狱,好友们决定为真纪报仇雪恨。她们一面挑唆大场兴业的对手滨安组首领的儿子寻衅滋事,一面刺杀大场组干部,挑起战争。身为大场情妇的政代知晓其中原委,请求真纪放弃复仇。在友情和仇恨面前,真纪将会做何选择?
