
又名:The Watch


主演:赵钱孙 蔡元元 杨文龙 俞仲英 李春晓 黎频 崔超明 田振东 沈扬 程之 石灵 周瑞德 李保罗 

导演:黄佐临 / 





Plot Summary:A street-wise and tough orphan called Maverick is arrested for a petty theft and sent to an orphanage, but succeeds in concealing a watch he had stolen from an old shopkeeper just before his arrest. At the orphanage, he is recruited by a crooked warder for further and more serious crimes. But when two more children are admitted to the orphanage -- a boy called "Fatty" and a girl called "Little Mouse" -- he makes the first friends he has ever had. But when Maverick learns the girl is the granddaughter of the old shopkeeper he stole the watch from, and what ruin it brought to her family, he has a crisis of conscience.
解放前,杂乱的上海街头,饥肠辘辘的流浪儿小牛偷了万老头修表铺中一块金表,他的小伙伴大猫和小耗子为之眼红,于是发生争斗,结果被带往警察局拘押。至此,三个孩子又团结一致,发誓严守金表的秘密。   拘押期内,小牛因争食并动手打人,又被送进“儿童教养院”。教养院训导主任殷小臣发现了小牛偷金表的秘密后,便借此要侠他,唆使他盗卖院内公物,此事被院内名叫小胖的孩子发现。事发之后,教养院教导员雷春华着手调查。   小胖准备联络院内孩子揭发殷小臣,小牛却向殷小臣通风报信。殷小臣先发制人,把小胖狠揍一顿。雷教导员为人热情厚道,对小牛生活关怀备至,使小牛深受感动。最后,当小牛知道万老头因丢了顾客的金表被拘留三个月,他的孙女、小牛的好朋友翠翠孤苦伶仃,无依无靠时,良心受到谴责,终于坦白了自己的错误,并揭发了殷小臣的违法勾当。小牛的表现,得到雷春华和孩子们的谅解和欢迎。
