Plot Summary:Romantic comedy about a non-conformist couple of young parents who, looking for a solution to their fragile financial situation, is involved in an innocent and crazy scheme. Detained as criminals, Pepê (Pedro Teixeira) and Mia (Benedita Pereira) are detained. Nevertheless, thanks to the unpredictable influence of the press, its history gains the affection of the Portuguese population that ends up consecrating them national heroes. Fighting to the end by the union of this small family, PePê and Mia instigate an adventurous, adventurous road-movie that crosses the country from one end to the other, starting in Lisbon and ending in an idyllic redoubt in Patagonia.
A romance comedy about a nonconformist couple of young parents who, looking for a solution to their fragile financial situation, is involved in an innocent and crazy scheme