Plot Summary:SCAD FASH presents Pierre Cardin: Le Futur, a SCAD-produced animated film about the storied life and career of fashion designer Pierre Cardin. From Schiaparelli to Dior to his own legendary house, Cardin reflects on his métier in conversation with SCAD President and Founder Paula Wallace. André Leon Talley, Jean Paul Gaultier, Maryse Gaspard, and Jim Bittermann add enriching detail of how Cardin transformed the world with his avant-garde sensibility and prescient vision. In 2016, SCAD FASH was honored to present Cardin's designs in Pierre Cardin: Pursuit of the Future, a major retrospective exhibition. Commissioned and executive produced by SCAD, Le Futur is directed by Matthew Miller (I am Thinking of Pierre Cardin) and produced by the SCAD alumnus-owned creative studio Ways and Means. This collaboration is one of many unique channels through which SCAD champions the work and careers of its students and alumni.