Plot Summary:Series "War Intelligence Service: the First hit" is the prequel to the first season "War Intelligence Service: Western Front line" and it covers the first months of the Great Patriotic War and the operations of the intelligence officers in 1941-1942. The outline of invasion code-named «Barbarossa» is being executed The Germans are moving fast along the invaded Soviet lands. Our characters are challenged by the need to rescue the science men with their families who were taken hostage at the time of their summer vacations. It becomes an almost impossible task for them to destroy a military soviet factory invaded by the Germans. Bringing a Soviet resident back into the German back land would become a mentally challenging psychological game. And it's not enough to just bring him back, his reputation has to remain unquestionable! In the fourth episode the intelligence officers are taken on a challenge of overthrowing the Nazi Germany economic agenda that Germans imposed on the territories ...