珍奇馆Wunderkammer - World of Wonder(2019)


主演:Roberto Balzani Bruce Boucher Luca Cableri Lavinia Galli Jeacques Garcia David Ghezelbash Francesco Invernizzi Alexis Kugel Andrea Lissoni Anna Maria Maggiore Loïc Malle Jean Hubert Martin Pierre Peyroll Viktor Wynd Annalisa Zanni 

导演:Francesco Invernizzi / 





Plot Summary:What are wonders and what does it mean to collect them? The wunderkammer - also known as cabinets of wonder or cabinet de curiosités in French - emerged among sovereigns and elite collectors in the 16th century. There are extraordinary rooms all over the world: those of the past, the Renaissance cabinets that became, during the course of the 18th century, some of today's major museums, and those of the present, whose contents come from the most prestigious galleries to be displayed in amazing villas and castles. Eccentric and priceless oddities, private collections, still exist.
文艺复兴时期的欧洲大陆上散落着一批至今未对公众开放的私人藏宝屋,这些被视作博物馆前身的私人收藏馆里,收藏着自然标本、科学仪器、工艺美术品,还有大量伴随地理大发现而搜集来的异国珍宝,堪称微缩的文明宝库。沉睡数百年之后,由弗朗切斯科·因菲尼奇(Francesco Invernizzi)执导的《珍奇馆》将首次以纪录片的形式揭秘这些王公贵族的私人馆藏,走进背后的传奇故事。   透过大学教授、博物馆策展人、艺术史学家、收藏家和美术馆馆长等业界人士的讲述,我们将全方位探寻珍奇馆的前世今生:这些百科全书式的陈列收藏从何而来?又如何被收藏或交易?它们究竟价值几何?背后又藏着什么神秘故事?影片还将关注珍奇馆的现状,跟随当代艺术家的视角探索其未来可能性。
