游客אורח בעונה מתה(1970)

又名:旅行者 / Ore'ach B'Onah Metah


主演:克洛德·里什 Hénia Suchar 汉斯·克里斯蒂安·布勒希 阿莫斯·凯南 Uzi Weinberg 

导演:莫什·米扎西 / 





Plot Summary:A guest with a scarred body arrives at sun-drenched Eilat at the end of the 1960s. We will never know who he is and what his name is, but the keeper of the inn where the "guest" appears is sure he knows him. The guest's presence undermines the quiet life of the innkeeper and his wife. The innkeeper is certain that they had met in the cold painful past of the Second World War, when he, the innkeeper, was commander of a concentration camp in Lyons, and the guest was a prisoner there, and that they had been together in the torture chamber. The encounter is set between a person whose identity is concealed and one whose identity is faked, sharing a past and memories.
