佐贺偶像是传奇 卷土重来ゾンビランドサガ リベンジ(2021)

又名:佐贺偶像是传奇 第二季 / 佐贺偶像是传奇 Revenge / 佐贺偶像是传奇 复仇

主演:宫野真守 本渡枫 种田梨沙 三石琴乃 田野麻美 河濑茉希 衣川里佳 田中美海 高户靖广 吉野裕行 鹿糠光明 佐藤节次 奈良彻 木村良平 

导演:境宗久 / 宇田钢之助 / 清水久敏 / 后藤康德 / 

佐贺偶像是传奇 卷土重来:最新字幕下载

佐贺偶像是传奇 卷土重来:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:One month after Franchouchou's show at the Arpino, the group's success plummets when their performance at the Ekimae Fudosan Stadium disastrously bombs, leaving the group in massive debt. The girls spend the following months working at various jobs across Saga to cover expenses, while Koutarou abandons his efforts to save Saga and falls into a slump, despite the girls' repeated attempts to motivate him.
