带着马去吃加勒比Taking the horse to eat jalebis(2019)

又名:Ghode Ko Jalebi Khilane Le Ja Riya Hoon


主演:拉格胡维尔·亚达夫 Rabindra Sahu 

导演:Anamika Haksar / 





Plot Summary:Ghode Ko - follows four main characters: a pickpocket, a vendor of sweet and savoury snacks, a labourer-activist, and a conductor of 'Heritage Walks'. We see Old Delhi through their eyes - their lives, hopes, aspirations, dreams - and hear it through their various languages and dialects. Patru, the pickpocket, decides to take people on alternative walks, showing them the underbelly of the city they think they know, but this lands him in trouble with local merchants and the police. That's when he finally decides to conduct one last 'Dream Walk'. It is here that we enter the subterranean consciousness of the city's migrant population. Together, these walks create a visual and aural history of Old Delhi from different points of view. And when Lali, the labourer-activist, too joins the fray, giving a speech urging workers to unite, he lands them all in jail.
这部电影以一段话开头: “这部电影是由扒手、街头小贩、小规模工厂工人、零工工人、家政工人、装载工、人力车夫和许多其他在旧德里劳动的人的采访和梦境组成的。”但不要因此误以为这是一部传统意义上的纪录片。   戏剧导演阿纳米卡·哈克萨在她的这部电影处女作中,通过虚构、采访、纪实、表演等手法,以及对动画特效、舞蹈和本土歌曲的运用,带领观众在现实生活和人物的梦境中穿梭,通过这些不寻常的、鼓舞人心的、有趣的、大胆的、有创造性和令人惊讶的故事,完成了对旧德里迷人的描绘。   这部作品是导演给旧德里的情书,她用图像和声音讲述了旧德里的心声,并向观众表达了自己的感情。随着这些有趣而怪诞的角色,漫步于他们生活工作梦境的空间交错中,你会被这些意想不到的发现所诱惑。
