
又名:扑克神功雷击队 / 扑克神功电击队 / JAKQ Blitzkrieg Squad / 王牌突击队 / 皇牌突击队

主演:丹波义隆 伊東平山 ミッチー·ラブ 風戸佑介 宫内洋 

导演:竹本弘一 / 奥中惇夫 / 平山公夫 / 田口勝彦 / 山田稔 / 





Plot Summary:The Crime organization lead by the fear less Iron Claw has the sole mission of becoming the most powerful syndicate in the world by employing an army of leather masked thugs and cyborg assassins to assist in various illegal activity. To neutralize this group, the ISSIS (International Science Special-Investigation Squad) was formed by placing various faction across the globe including one in Tokyo, Japan. The commander of the Japan branch, Daisuke Kujirai a.k.a. Commander Joker has proposed an cyborg enhancement experiment that will help out the ISSIS. By recruiting four young adults each with a different occupation and background, the newly formed team has become the J.A.K.Q. Blitzkrieg Squad. Four bionic cyborgs with playing cards as their motif have the ability and technology to crush the Iron Claw's Crime Organization.
官方网站:http://www.super-sentai.net/sentai/jakqr.html   為了與犯罪組織古萊姆(クライム)對抗,國際科學特搜隊的鯨井大助決定組織一隊改造人部隊,最後他找到接受手術的四人,分別是:櫻井五郎、東竜、嘉琳·水木(カレン水木)及大地文太。四人背負著改造人失去肉體的痛苦,與古萊姆周旋。   後來因古萊姆引入了侵略機械人,把目標由犯罪轉變成征服地球。因此皇牌突擊隊亦加入了行動隊長Big 1(ビッグワン),令戰況更加白熱化。
