睡梦的另一边The Other Side of Sleep(2010)



主演:安东尼娅·坎贝尔-休斯 山姆·基利 凯茜·贝尔顿 

导演:丽贝卡·达利 / 



日期 资源名称
2022-01-22 The.Other.Side.of.Sleep.2011.1080p.WEB.h264-SKYFiR
日期 资源名称
2022-01-22 The.Other.Side.of.Sleep.2011.720p.WEB.h264-SKYFiRE



Plot Summary:Rebecca Daly's first feature film The Other Side of Sleep is the haunting journey of Arlene (Antonia Campell Hughes). Arlene is a ghost in her own life. She lives in a small town in the midlands - surrounded by field after field, woodlands and laneways to disappear down and never come back. One morning she wakes in the woods beside the body of a young woman. Someone watches from the trees. The body is soon discovered and suspicion spreads through the community. Increasingly drawn to the girl's family - her grieving sister and accused boyfriend, Arlene barricades herself in at night, afraid to sleep. Haunted by grief buried and delayed, Arlene's sleeping and waking realities soon blur. And all this time someone is watching her.
一件森林裡發生的謀殺案,改變了小鎮原來的寧靜。媒體大肆報導、人們對於遇害的女孩議論紛紛,為夢   遊所苦的愛琳則因失去了案發當晚的記憶而感到不安,殘酷的命案也喚起她喪母的悲痛過往,以及發掘真   相的決心。在探究案件的過程中,愛琳試圖保持清醒來抵抗自己強烈的睡意,然而,現實與夢境的界線就   如同膠著的案情般,愈來愈朦朧不明。   取材自報紙新聞刊露的社會案件,透過游走於虛幻和真實世界間的夢遊症狀,以簡約、緩慢的步調來詮釋   一個瀰漫著迷離氛圍的懸疑故事。「夢遊真的很吸引我,尤其是當一個人能夠在無意識的情況下行動,並   且對於發生過的事沒有任何記憶,這個元素讓我得以將超現實的意念帶入電影之中。」──蕾貝卡達利
