重生少女Ripurei gâruzu(2010)


主演:Erika Tonooka 佐武宇绮 Sakura Saito Moe Miura 小泉麻耶 Kaho Kano 

导演:齐藤勇贵 / 





Plot Summary:Michi, a high school girl with a seemingly perfect life -- loving parents, popularity, average grades, one day finds herself wanting to end her own life. When Michi reveals a big secret to her best friend, Haruna, she is betrayed by her. The one person she had trusted most turns on her and Michi becomes a target of bullies at school. Blinded by her agony and hurt, Michi stumbles on to a suicide chat room where she exchanges stories with others in similar situations. After spending some time on the site, she is asked \"Would you like to REPLAY?\" Michi impulsively presses 'Yes,' which catapults her on a quest to her own death in the suicide game, \"Re:Play-Girls\".
因为遭到好友的欺凌,女高中生美知大受打击。她在一个自杀网站留言,表示自己想死,想让一切从头开始重来过。   “你要重来么?”   看着屏幕上的字,美知毫不犹豫地键入了“是”。   美知并不知道,一场名为“Replay Girls”的自杀游戏就此拉开了序幕。   十二名打算自杀的女高中生被集中到一个神秘的孤岛上,除了美知,还有将好友欺凌致死的亚里纱、失恋心碎的理绪等,大家都因为各种各样的理由而不愿再活下去。美知的好友春菜竟然也在其中。   自称是“自杀引导人”男子实原派遣手下小暮把遗书和自杀道具交给女孩们,要求她们“在明天早上之前自尽。”   游戏一旦开始就无法退出、无法逃避。然而美知等几个女孩有了犹豫,她们不再想死却陷入了不得不死的困境。实原派出杀手来到岛上,要一举除掉反悔者。   在绝境中,女孩们萌生了对生的执着渴望与真正的友谊。一度失去生之意志的少女为了生存展开了战斗……
