绘画还是做爱Peindre ou faire l'amour(2005)


主演:萨宾·阿泽玛 丹尼尔·奥特伊 阿蜜拉·卡萨 塞尔希·洛佩斯 

导演:阿尔诺·拉里厄 / 让-玛丽·拉里厄 / 





Plot Summary:Happily married, faithful to each other, and still very much in love, the middle-aged couple of the early-retired meteorologist, William Lasserre, and his successful businesswoman wife, Madeleine, enjoy a well-ordered life, now that their only daughter has moved to Italy. But, Madeleine is also a skilful painter--and during one of her usual walks in the alpine Vercors region--not only will she stumble upon the town's sophisticated blind mayor, Adam, but also the picturesque rural farmhouse that would become the pair's new dream home. Obviously, things couldn't be better for the Lasserres; however, when calamity strikes Adam and his charming young wife, Eva, it's only natural that the disaster-stricken neighbours would taste a slice of William and Madeleine's warm and lavish hospitality. Just until they get back on their feet..
威廉(丹尼尔·奥图 Daniel Auteuil 饰)和曼德琳(萨宾·阿泽玛 Sabine Azéma 饰)是一对结婚多年的夫妻,两人之间的感情十分要好。一次偶然中,曼德琳遇见了名为亚当(塞吉·洛佩兹 Sergi López 饰)的男子,亚当谈吐优雅作风绅士,唯一的遗憾就是双目失明。亚当告诉曼德琳,自己有一幢房子正在出售,在参观过房子之后,曼德琳立刻就爱上了这个诗情画意的地方。   就这样,曼德琳一家与亚当和他的女伴艾娃(阿蜜拉·卡萨 Amira Casar 饰)成为了邻居,两家人时常相互走动,交往甚密。亚当的住所在一场大火中被毁于一旦,威廉和曼德琳义无反顾的收留了无家可归的亚当和艾娃,也正是从这时开始,四人的命运发生了翻天覆地的改变。
