Plot Summary:"Silence of the Tides" is a cinematic tribute to the Wadden Sea, the world's largest, and most varied, uninterrupted inter tidal area, extending along the coasts of The Netherlands, Germany and Denmark. The film plays witness to the rough, yet fragile relationship between man and nature as it pulsates with the inhaling and exhaling of the tides. It's a hypnotizing large screen look into the cycles and contrasts of the seasons: life and death, storm and silence, the masses and the individual. All set against a larger than life backdrop of sky, water, wind, mist and constantly changing light. With his observational style and eye for detail, Director Pieter-Rim de Kroon presents the Wadden region as one massive, living breathing organism, where all the elements interlock, influenced by the position of the Moon and Sun, and the magical energy from the Cosmos.
这是一部向瓦登海致敬的电影。瓦登海是世界上最大、最多样、不间断的潮间带,沿着荷兰、德国和丹麦的海岸延伸。影片见证了人与自然之间粗糙而又脆弱的关系,随着潮汐的吸入和呼出而跳动。这是一个让人着迷的大屏幕,让我们看到四季的循环和对比:生与死,风暴与寂静,大众与个人。这一切都是在天空、水、风、雾和不断变化的光的更大的背景下进行的。导演pieterrim de Kroon以他的观察风格和对细节的关注,将瓦登地区呈现为一个巨大的、有生命的有机体,在那里所有的元素相互联系,受到月亮和太阳的位置,以及来自宇宙的神奇能量的影响。