老鼠打扫记Mouse Cleaning(1948)



导演:约瑟夫·巴伯拉 / 威廉·汉纳 / 





Plot Summary:Mammy has just finished cleaning the whole house. Tom, meanwhile, has just chased Jerry through a mud puddle and into the house. Mammy stops him and makes him clean up the mess. She goes out shopping, and threatens Tom that if there's any mess when she gets back, he's out. Jerry hears this, and you know where it's going from there. First, a few scatterings of ashes from the ashtray. Tom throws a tomato, which hits the wall; as he's cleaning, Jerry empties a fountain pen into the water bucket. He then aims it at Tom, but it's empty; Tom fires the pen at the curtains, but for him, it works. A lightning wash-and-iron session, and the drapes are fine again. Now, some acrobatics from Jerry: he juggles lots of eggs, then throws them; Tom catches and juggles them himself, but Jerry has also started spinning a pie plate on a fork. Tom manages to take that over, too, but then Jerry pulls the rug out (literally). Tom catches the eggs in a carton, but the pie hits him. An exhausted Tom falls ...
在一个平静的日子里,女主人哼着小曲拖地板,整座房子被她打扫得干干净净,她满心欢喜欣赏着自己的劳动果实。然而这份喜悦与满足却并未延续太久,此时门外传来一阵吵闹,原来是汤姆和杰瑞再次展开他们永无止境的追逐战。追逐过程中,两个小家伙跌入泥坑,可是他们还不管不顾地追逐。从屋外到屋内,干净的地板马上就布满肮脏的脚印。女主人自然十分光火,她责令汤姆将地板拖干净,并且在她外出购物期间务必保持屋内的整洁。汤姆连连点头保证,而小老鼠似乎冒出了什么鬼点子。   女主人刚刚出门,杰瑞就对房间开始了大破坏,烟灰、蓝墨水比比皆是,可怜的汤姆为此疲于奔命……
