Plot Summary:After the mysterious disappearance of an oil well owner, one of his workers, Gerardo (Jorge Negrete) assumes the business management. Soon, the owner's sister (Libertad Lamarque) arrives from Argentina, and, believing that Gerardo killed her brother to keep the wells for himself, she starts working as a singer under a false name in the same casino her brother disappeared, in order to find out what exactly happened.
因争风吃醋被关入监狱的加林多•拉米列斯(豪尔赫•内格莱特 Jorge Negrete 饰)与同伴越狱来到何塞•恩里克(佛朗西斯科•加姆布里那 Francisco Jambrina 饰)的油田打工赚钱。何塞•恩里克因拒绝将油田卖给当地的垄断石油公司,在大赌场的老板埃尔(阿方索•贝多亚 Alfonso Bedoya 饰)和舞女卡米利亚(茉荷•芭尔芭 Meche Barba 饰)的陷害下神秘失踪。何塞•恩里克的妹妹,歌手默西迪丝(丽贝塔•拉玛克 Libertad Lamarque 饰)从阿根廷前来探望兄长,在得知噩耗后化名潜入大赌场调查真相,却与油田的新晋管理加林多产生了误会。二人能终释前嫌共同对抗垄断石油公司吗? 本片是路易斯•布努艾尔沉寂15年移居墨西哥后所拍摄的第一部电影。