完人Integral Man(2016)



导演:Joseph Clement / 





Plot Summary:He chose two young architects that would come to change contemporary architecture. Jim Stewart is the most published mathematician since Euclid, a concert level violinist, calculus professor, philanthropist, and gay rights activist. He is a true polymath, a modern day renaissance man. He had a bold vision and the conviction to follow through. It took almost ten years to realize his dream, Integral House, which was completed in 2009. Designed around a stunning internal concert hall, it was hailed as a masterpiece by some of the greatest architecture and design critics in the world. Integral House, like Jim, was unlike anything else. Now confronting his inability to play violin as arthritis cripples his hands, Jim boldly faces his declining health, jumping head long into the role of impresario. But it would not be so simple. As unexpected events unfold, Jim is left to make some of the most difficult decisions of his life.
Jim Stewart是继欧几里得之后,世界上最伟大的数学家。然而,他同时又是小提琴演奏家,微积分教授,慈善家和同性恋权利活动家——可谓是一个真正的博学家,仿佛是从文艺复兴时期走出来的人。他用了十年时间想明白了自己的梦想,并在2009年将它建造出来——一所完整的殿厅。他遍访知名设计师,包括大师Frank Gehry、Rem Koolhaas,最终却选择了两个年轻人,以及他们那敢于改变当代建筑设计的魄力。
