Ce soir on tue(1959)


主演:皮埃尔·特拉博 多米妮克·维尔姆斯 勒内·达里 杰斯·哈恩 Marcel Portier 丹涅勒·歌黛 芭芭拉勒琪 Yves Vincent 

导演:Ivan Govar / 

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Ce soir on tue:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:Larry Laine, an Interpol agent who poses as a journalist, knows that Franz, a night club owner and head of a drug ring, has the list of all the traffickers in the Antwerp region in his possession. The young inspector is ready to do anything to lay his hands on it even if, tough as he is, Franz is bound to offer resistance. But Larry, supported by a pair of pretty women and helped by one of Franz's rivals, will finally gain the upper hand.
