Plot Summary:Ian is a rebellious teenager who had recently been suspended from his school. Shortly thereafter, he wakes in a mysterious preparatory high school, with no idea how he got there nor where it is located. The school itself is focused on finding the \"unique potential\" of each of its students. Along the way, he makes friends with C.J., Gabe, and Suki. Together, they investigate the mysteries of the school while trying to escape.
《迷幻学院》(Tower Prep)是卡通频道今年播出的第二部原创真人剧集。与《奇妙的历史》(Unnatural History)轻松愉快的氛围不同,《迷幻学院》存在悬疑情节,更贴近于成人故事(即所谓的「teen adult story」)。故事讲述性格冲动好斗的少年Ian Archer一觉醒来后发现自己来到了一家神秘的学院,学员们都是和他一样有特殊能力的青少年。Ian试图和其他三名同学一起逃跑,但最终失败了。他们下决心要查明事情的真相。