El club del paro(2021)


主演:卡洛斯·阿雷塞斯 费尔南多·特赫罗 阿德里亚·科拉多 Eric Francés 安东尼奥·雷西内斯 哈维尔·博泰特 Carmen Flores Veki Velilla 玛丽亚·伊萨西 Susana Merino 

导演:大卫·马尔克斯 / 

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El club del paro:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:Each morning, whatever the day, four friends meet at a bar to have some beers and fix the world their own way, by criticizing and ranting against everything and everyone. They have something in common: they are all unemployed. Well, all but one.
