
又名:过去将来进行时 / 重返十五岁 / 返老还童 / 永不算晚 / 返老还童十五岁 / 一切还不晚 / 55:15 Never Too Late / NEVER TOO LATE

主演:甘雅拉·露安珑 格拉帕·格潘 松希·努诺卡空希 Songsit Roongnophakunsri 塔纳瓦·拉达纳奇派山 Khaotung Thanawat Rattanakitpaisan 凯·乐希迪柴 彬雅帕·珍帕诵 吉普·瓦苏·桑辛凯 辛扎伊·本班尼 阿玛霖·妮缇布恩 卡拉·帕拉茜 阿玉松·玛尼提 

导演:纳塔彭·蒙空萨瓦 / 





Plot Summary:How about many of us remember what our dreams were when we were children? What our hopes and aspirations were? How about many of us grew up and realised that all the wonderous, innocent dreams that we had were probably not going to come true. That it was harder to become a superstar or a world-famous soccer player. How about many of us spent all of our lives unable to express ourselves and love who we wanted, openly. This drama is was about five such high school friends who also had dreams and goals but were unable to complete them. This is a story of second chances,of being able to love whoever you want,of dreams coming true, and of happiness.
