
又名:Tropical Manila



导演:李尚宇 / 





Plot Summary:Nearly 15 years have passed since Kim Dusik fled to the Philippines after committing a murder in Korea. He presently lives in Manila with his Filipino wife, Medusa, and their 15-year-old Kopino (Korean-Filipino) son, Philip. Away from his homeland, Dusik's overwhelming yearning for his old mother causes him to inflict violence on his son and sexually abuse his wife. He only looks forward to going back to Korea as soon as the 15-year statute of limitations runs out. Only a few months remain. As Philip grows up, he confronts his father for mistreating his mother. While he feels a strong antipathy to violence, Philip, in spite of himself, takes after his father's violent behavior. Medusa finds out that Dusik is leaving for Korea in a few months and begs him to take Philip with him to raise as a Korean. However, Dusik believes that Philip must live in the Philippines because he is not Korean but Filipino. Once Medusa, who dedicated her whole life to her son, realizes that Dusik will eventually turn down her first and last request, she loses hope for life and gets killed by accident. Philip believes that Dusik murdered Medusa and burns his father's passport. Excited to reunite with his mother in Korea, Dusik discovers the burning passport and engages Philip in a gruesome fight where he permanently loses his eyesight. Unable to go back to his motherland, Dusik is left with no choice but to stay in the Philippines with his Kopino son. He takes over at the fish market where his father used to work. Their lives go on as if nothing had happened between the two of them.
曾在韩国惹出杀人案的金斗植逃亡菲律宾,后在马尼拉隐姓埋名长达15年。他过着最底层的生活,精神压抑空虚,甚至对儿子都以“狗崽子”相称。随着案件的公诉时效日益逼近,斗植也越发思念故乡,特别是身患重疾的高龄老母。他决定冒险回国探亲,但儿子却出于某种心理不愿父亲离开。终于,在斗植临行前一天,儿子将父亲的韩国护照焚毁……   本片是话题导演李相宇拍摄于2008年的首部剧情长片。这位善于挖掘底层人物生活悲剧的导演,先后打造了《妈妈是妓女》《爸爸是狗》,以及《芭比》等片,纷纷引起评论界的关注,更多次受邀参加在鹿特丹、温哥华、里昂、大阪、东京等处举办的国际影展,赞誉颇丰。在《热带马尼拉》中,李相宇挑战了逃避、虐待、性欲、食欲等诸多人性阴暗面,透视了“汗水”“假面”“贫民窟”“kopino(特指韩国男子和菲律宾女子生育的子女)”等视觉元素,非常有震撼力。
