This Wife for Hire(1985)


主演:帕姆·道伯 罗伯特·克莱因 拉瑞恩·纽曼 

导演:Jim Drake / 

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This Wife for Hire:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:Marsha Harper (Dawber) is a happily married woman and mother of two children who begins to get restless and longs to return to work. Harper's husband, however, tells her that after so many years as a stay-at-home mom and housewife, she has only her domestic skills to go on. One day Harper is watching a talk show on television where a sports figure is being interviewed. This up-and-comer is lamenting that the stresses of his career have left his home life a wreck: he's bad at keeping his house and laundry done and doesn't eat well because he can't cook. On impulse, Marsha suddenly calls into the show and offers to provide all the ball player needs. Skeptically, he asks, \"Who are you?\" and she responds, \"I'm a wife for hire!\" Harper suddenly finds herself running an increasingly successful entrepreneurial business that starts to put a strain on her marriage.
