The Snob(1921)



导演:山姆·伍德 / 

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Plot Summary:Kathryn Haynes, daughter of Jimmie Haynes, ex-sheepherder turned oil millionaire, is snobbish as a result of her parents' social ambitions. Home from college, she meets Bill Putnam, a football hero. At a college dance, Kathryn strikes his name from her dance card when she finds out that he is working his way through college by waiting on tables. His wealthy friends teach her a lesson by telling her they are waiters too. Kathryn leaves the party in a rage and spends the next days observing the behavior of others, concluding that work and service are commendable virtues; and to atone for her previous scorn for such things, she works as a waitress in a restaurant where Bill's friends spy her. When Bill is told of the new Kathryn, he rushes to her and proposes. After the wedding, Mr. Haynes puts Bill in charge of his oil interests.
