
又名:Public enemy


主演:邝山笑 冯燕飞 曹绮文 黄曼梨 钱大叔 

导演:关文清 / 





Plot Summary:In 1992 Dorian Yates began his dominance of professional bodybuilding by winning his first of six Olympia titles. That same year, Mark Dugdale joined the iron game setting his sights on a local teen amateur bodybuilding competition. Fast-forwarding to 2007 - Dorian enters his tenth year of retirement while Mark prepares for his first appearance on the Olympia stage. Kiss the Dugdale girls good-bye and board the British Airways flight to London-Heathrow International Airport with IFBB Pro Mark Dugdale and wife Christina as they begin their pilgrimage to Birmingham, England, home of the famed Temple Gym. Cross an ocean, battle food poisoning and drive on the opposite side of the road, all to ultimately descend into The Dungeon to experience the torture of blood and guts training inflicted by The Shadow, Mr. Olympia, Dorian Yates.
<<公敌>>是关文清的'抗战三部曲'的第三部. 故事讲述一个不屈不挠的师长和边防官(钱大叔饰), 家有贤妻(黄曼梨饰)及两名女儿(曹绮文, 罗绮文饰). 钱的弟弟(邝山笑饰)毕业于军官学校, 他的妻子(冯燕飞饰)亦刚诞下一名婴儿. 两家人本过着乐也融融的生活, 直至某日, 敌军战机突然轰炸他们的家围, 楼房顿成瓦砾, 众人四散逃亡. 钱和邝加入抗战队伍, 最后双双殉难, 而黄亦在敌军屠杀下惨死. 电影强调战争对平民百姓的生活的摧毁.
