Plot Summary:Pro wrestler \"Showtime\" Eric Young is on a journey into the world of extreme and unusual fishing. In the ring, Eric is a competitive fighter with a big personality. But in his free time, he loves to head out on the water to fish. Now, Eric is on a journey to meet and fish with the most unique fishermen he can find. Anglers who are risking it all... for the sake of the catch.
艾瑞克·杨是户外运动的菜鸟,也是一位职业摔角手。现在他走下摔角舞台,穿着紧身衣接受截然不同的全新挑战。在《钓鱼出奇招》节目中,艾瑞克成为终极业余钓客,任务是满足他对疯狂钓鱼大冒险的渴望。他用钓竿与卷线圈上的女用裤袜钓鱼,在大西洋猎捕鲨鱼,在密西根湖上用灭火器与活饵钓鱼,在田 纳西与穿着比基尼的「徒手捕鱼女郎」一起徒手抓鱼,还尝试了许多传承数世纪之久的各地捕鱼传统。跟着艾瑞克一起展开独特的捕鱼之旅,揭露美国最厉害的捕鱼技巧!