Plot Summary:Mickey is piloting a steamboat when Captain Pete comes to the bridge and throws him off. They stop to pick up cargo. Minnie just misses the boat and Mickey uses the crane to grab her. She drops her sheet music of "Turkey in the Straw" and a goat eats it. With help from Mickey, she cranks the goat's tail, and it plays the tune. Mickey accompanies on percussion and by torturing various animals, until Pete comes down and puts a stop to it, putting Mickey to work peeling potatoes. While this is the first sound Mickey Mouse, there's no dialog.
在平静的河面上,一艘白色的蒸汽轮船笔直行走着。掌舵的司机米奇手握方向盘,哼唱着快乐的歌曲,连汽笛也奏响愉快的节奏。就在这时,真正的船长皮特出现,他赶跑了越俎代庖的米奇,霸气十足地站在了方向盘前。不久汽船靠岸,米奇协助将码头上的小羊吊上船,随后起锚航行。此时,迟到的游客米妮仓皇赶来。米奇协助她登上汽船,而米妮《Turkey in the Straw》谱子则掉落地上,被贪吃的山羊吃进肚子。聪明的米奇和米妮将山羊变成了音乐播放机,他们和小动物们在汽船上上演了欢快的音乐演奏会…… 本片是米奇系列的第三部动画,却是该系列首部公开发行的作品。