Finger Bang(2011)

主演:David Andriew Bear Badeaux 

导演:科瑞普·科瑞帕辛 / 

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Plot Summary:The story of Bruce, an out-of-shape, kind of geeky, kind of guy. The story starts off by this nerdy guy accidentally killing his brand new (and first) girlfriend during their first intimate moment by a mysterious gunshot that he can't figure out where it came from. Noticing that his finger is smoking, he puts two and two together. Bruce can shoot bullets out of his fingers! Depressed, Bruce decides to take his own life until a wise old Madge appears and mentors him and convinces him that this \"deformity\" is really a gift and that Bruce has a higher calling and most protect the world from villainy. Bruce AKA The Fingerbanger, must go up against who will soon be his nemesis, The Golden Fist! Can The Fingerbanger save the world from the evil power of Golden Fist's fist of gold?
