

主演:Pierre-Yves Darget Omar Salam 

导演:让-丹尼尔·卡迪诺 / 





Plot Summary:This film contains hardcore gay sex and was filmed in Tunisia. The cafe scene was filmed at Sidi Bou Said near Tunis, the medina looks very much like Sousse, the beach scene location is unknown. The film begins in a male hammam where the main actor, Pierre Yves Darget, has a number of sexual encounters with most of the youths in there. Eventually one of the youths leaves and Pierre-Yves runs after him. However, the youth loses Pierre in the maze of the medina, so Pierre tries to find him by visiting various medina shops. In each shop he visits Pierre has one or several heavy sexual relationships with different youths or men. Eventually Pierre returns to the male hammam and has several more sexual encounters with the youths. When finished Pierre leaves and sees the youth he was looking for leaving a medina house. They go to an outdoor cafe to be alone, and then move on to the beach and frolic in the sea. They then get a room in a hotel and continue with heavy sexual romping. Finally, Pierre is laid in the arms of the youth on the hotel's flat roof whilst chatting, with the sun setting behind.
这一切都从一个上午开始。在热气腾腾的浴室中,一名法国少年被另一名阿拉伯男人的火辣情欲而点燃,宛若晴天霹雳。可一转即逝的却是,那位年轻的摩洛哥男人离开了大楼并在卡斯巴小巷里变得幽深不可见。于是,我们的年轻男孩决定跟随着穿过繁忙的街道。但他走得太远了,很快就在露天市场迷路了。在一座座商店的后屋里,他会发现这些东方商人非常热情好客……   电影取景地点分别为突尼斯与摩洛哥,DVD版发行时长为56分钟。
