Seeking Aline(2021)

又名:À la recherche d’Aline

上映日期:2021-04-15(瑞士真实电影节) / 2021-06-02(鹿特丹电影节) / 2021-06-05(塞内加尔谢菲尔德国际纪录片节)片长:26分钟


导演:Rokhaya Marieme Balde / 

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Seeking Aline:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:Director Rokhaya Marieme Balde returns to Senegal to honor local hero Aline Sitoe Diatta, through re-enactments and interviews with locals. Seamlessly floating between fiction and documentary, she digs up her own roots and presents different angles of the life of a woman who inspires to this day.
