Plot Summary:\"RoboWoman\" follows Vivica Stevens on her last night at a temp agency as she accepts a date with a persistent co-worker. Soon she finds herself cornered in a dark park at night and brutally attacked, raped and left for dead by her date and his deranged friends. She's found barely alive by her roommate Carlene and undergoes illegal, experimental \"cybernetic\" surgery where she is given a replacement robotic arm and visor to correct her vision. However, the cybernetic surgery causes havoc to her brain, as well as to her body. Before long, she decides to seek revenge with the aid of her new attachments. One by bloody one, she stalks and kills her attackers before the shocking and revealing conclusion.
“ RoboWoman”跟随Vivica Stevens昨晚在一家临时公司接受跟踪,因为她接受了与一个持久同事的约会。 很快,她发现自己在夜间被困在一个黑暗的公园里,遭到约会对象和他失恋的朋友的残酷攻击,强奸并被处死。 她的室友卡琳(Carlene)勉强活着,并进行了非法的实验性“ cybernetic”手术,并为她提供了替代的机械臂和护目镜以矫正视力。 但是,控制论手术对她的大脑和身体都造成了破坏。 不久之后,她决定借助新的附件寻求报仇。 在那令人震惊和揭露结论之前,她一个个地流血,跟踪并杀死了攻击者。