Who Killed Gail Preston?(1938)


主演:Don Terry 丽塔·海华斯 

导演:Leon Barsha / 

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Who Killed Gail Preston?:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:Gail Preston (Rita Hayworth), a band-singer with no shortage of enemies, is shot to death in the middle of her second song (dubbed by Gloria Franklin ---\"The Greatest Attraction in the World\"----and the first suspect, Mr. Owen (Dwight Frye), is cleared when he falls to his death. Police Inspector Tom Kellogg (Don Terry, and his bumbling assistant, Cliff Connally (Gene Morgan, then focus their attention on band-leader \"Swing\" Traynor (Robert Paige), and his jealous sweetheart,Ann Bishop (Wyn Cahoon),but also keep an eye on Frank Daniels (Marc Lawrence), Jules Stevens (Arthur Loft)and Charles Waverly (John Gallaudet).
