Chicken Boy(2019)


主演:Deb Haas Charles Koehnen Spencer Macea 

导演:Kayla Arend / 

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Chicken Boy:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:Chicken Boy is a dark coming-of-age story in which a lonely boy recognizes parallels between the bullying he endures at school and the neglect he experiences at home. Born and raised in a low-income family, Jacob truly has to fend for himself. We are with Jacob as he receives some of the harshest bullying he has ever experienced on his bus ride home from school. Once he arrives home, Jacob takes to his normal routine of feeding the chickens and taking care of his mother. Jacob hears a noise in coming from the chicken coop. He investigates and discovers a raccoon attacking the chickens. He goes to tell his mother but she is unsympathetic. She angrily urges Jacob to pick up a gun and do what his daddy taught him, rid the chicken coop of the pest.
