良心商家Fair Traders(2018)

上映日期:2021-10-14(中国内地: 2021瑞士纪录电影展) / 2019-03-28(德国)片长:89分钟

主演:Patrick Hohmann Sina Trinkwalder Claudia Zimmermann 

导演:Nino Jacusso / 





Plot Summary:Major Baldwin, a gay old blade, happens to meet Mrs. Swift, a former sweetheart, and they incidentally compare notes. The widow informs the major she has a son of marriageable age and the major informs her he has a daughter just ripening into womanhood. They decide it would be a capital idea for their children to fall in love and be united in marriage. The widow broaches the subject to her son, but he is quite averse to entering into any such arrangement. Lucy, the daughter of the major, is quite set in her determination to balk the schemes of the old people. The widow sends her son, Edward, to the country and the major banishes his daughter to the rural district. By one of those antics of fate the stubborn children meet on the same farm, where Lucy assumes the disguise of a dairy maid and Edward masquerades as a farmhand. Lucy milks the cows and Edward drinks the milk, and the manner in which they bring about a realization of the hopes of their parents is ingenious and charming. Lucy writes her father she is engaged to a farmhand and Edward telegraphs that he has met his fate in a dairy maid. The old folks hustle down to the farm and what they discover makes their hearts glad.
