Plot Summary:A house party. While Minnie plays piano and the guests dance, Mickey, Goofy, and Horace prepare a snack, which is brought out to much fanfare and immediately devoured. A band forms and plays Scott Joplin's The Entertainer; Mickey dances with Patricia Pig and various inanimate objects also dance, while all cry \"Whoopee!\" from time to time. The police come to break up the party.
欢乐喧嚣的夜晚,一户人家正在举行盛大的聚会,人们在客厅内跟随着曼妙的音乐翩翩起舞,虽然分外拥挤,但是全都乐享其中。房子的另一边,米妮(玛西丽特•加纳 Marcellite Garner 配音)边弹钢琴边唱着快乐的歌曲,牛小姐则在一旁为之伴奏。厨房里,勤劳的米奇(沃尔特•迪斯尼 Walt Disney 配音)和古菲(品托•考维格 Pinto Colvig 配音)、马先生正在精心准备稍后所用的三明治和各种饮料点心。一曲结束,他们拉出食材,客人见状大声高呼,胃口大开,随即一哄而上。更加激昂的音乐响起,人们吃着、喝着、唱着、跳着、纵情欢笑,尽享这个美好而难忘的夜晚……