С 8 марта, мужчины!(2014)


主演:Mariya Berseneva Konstantin Lavysh 马克西姆·维托尔甘 斯维特兰娜·伊万诺娃 Mikhail Bashkatov 

导演:Artyom Aksyonenko / 

С 8 марта, мужчины!:在线播放

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С 8 марта, мужчины!:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:Anna Berkutova - blonde in the armor of mini-skirts. Her weapons - her beauty, intelligence and absolute confidence in the fact that she knows men. It is an important project in Skolkovo and is going to marry a rich foreigner. But on her birthday, March 8, it is clear, as the financial report, the fate of change: Anna throws groom steal her project of Skolkovo, and she begins to hear the thoughts of men. This ability is first brought her to despair, and then opens wide possibilities ...
