幕后枭雄 第二季Les hommes de l'ombre(2014)

主演:卡洛尔·布盖 布鲁诺·沃尔科维奇 奥雷·阿蒂卡 格里高利·菲托西 尼古拉·马里耶 伊维斯·皮尼奥 费利佩·曼吉安 奥利维尔·雷堡汀 斯蒂芬妮·克雷恩考尔 

导演:Jean-Marc BRONDOLO / 

幕后枭雄 第二季:在线播放

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幕后枭雄 第二季:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:One year after the election, President Alain Marjorie is facing a personal and political crisis. The secret lover of his wife Elisabeth is killed in a car crash while she is driving and the head of state is persuaded to cover up her role in the accident. He is then hit by another scandal involving his friend, Interior Minister Benoit Hussan. When Hussan is forced to resign, the president turns to Simon Kapita, his former rival's spin doctor, and recalls him to the heart of government to help,. However, the emerging scandals stretch Kapita's strategy and communication skills to the limit.
法兰西在困难的经济形势下已经饱受打击,此时爆出的国家财政的丑闻更是雪上加霜。而这件丑闻很可能会牵扯到共和国总统和他最亲近的团队。爱丽舍宫决定召回西蒙·卡皮塔并寻求其帮助。尽管总统府秘书长 加布里埃尔·塔基切夫 对此表示反对,他们还是要共同承担起平息风波的重任。可是二人还不知道,看起来柔弱又任性的总统夫人居然与这起事件有着密切的联系......
