Timocka buna(1983)


主演:韦利米尔·巴塔·日沃伊诺维奇 留比沙·萨马季奇 Dragomir Bojanic-Gidra 

导演:Zivorad 'Zika' Mitrovic / 

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Timocka buna:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:In 1883 Milan Obrenovic, arrogant and despotic king of Serbia, felt threatened by the militia segments of his army. In order to remove that threat he disbanded militia. However, people of Timok Valley decide not to surrender their arms to the regular troops. The movie was made for the 100th anniversary of the event.
1883年,塞尔维亚国王感到强大的民兵威胁着国家安全,便命令他们交出武器,蒂莫克河流域的民兵们拒绝这一要求并与正规军展开战斗。   本片为这一历史事件的100周年纪念之作
