Les Thibault(1972)


主演:Philippe Rouleau 弗朗索瓦·迪努瓦耶 弗朗索瓦丝·克里斯托夫 朱迪思·马格里 夏尔·瓦内尔 安东尼维泰兹 碧翠丝·罗曼德 罗贝尔·瓦捷 保罗·勒·佩尔松 德尼兹·佩隆 

导演:André Michel / Alain Boudet / 

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Les Thibault:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:Jacques Thibault stifles in his bourgeois family where his father rules supreme over the household.He runs away with his friend Daniel but their plans come to a sudden end.The unfortunate son is sent to a reform school where he is left to his own devices by unscrupulous wardens .His brother,Antoine, goes out of his way to get him out of this gloomy place where he is humiliated .
